Data Fields for Inventory Categories


A user-defined numeral with a maximum length of two digits numbered between 1 and 99.


A word or phrase describing the category being established.


Click in the Type box and select Serialized/Accessories if the category being established pertains to inventory found in the SA file. Click in the Type box and select Titles if the category being established pertains to inventory found in the Titles file.

Tax Code

The tax code determines whether or not the category being established is taxable or non-taxable. Click the down arrow to the right of the box for your options. These options are described as follows:

Cost %

Enter as the Cost Percentage the approximate percent of retail that should be used when calculating cost of sales of inventory with this category, in decimal format. The Cost Percentage will only be used when sales are made of merchandise not found in your inventory file. At POS, the sales person must select the category of inventory for those sku, serial numbers and catalog numbers not found in the inventory file. The category table will be referenced to determine the percentage to apply against the selling price to determine the estimated cost for accounting and sales reporting purposes.

Note: If the merchandise being sold is found in your inventory file, the actual cost will be used for accounting and sales reporting purposes. The Cost Percentage will not be referred to.

Example: If the margin on a type of inventory is typically about 35%, the Cost Percentage would be .65.

Ledger# to Credit for Inventory

Enter the ledger number to credit for this inventory category. This would generally be an asset account. The default will be 120-(inventory category). The description of the ledger account will appear under the phrase 'Ledger# to Credit for Inventory'. If the ledger number is not found in the chart of accounts, 'Ledger Not Found' will appear.

Hint: Press F6 in order to select the ledger number from your chart of accounts or to add the ledger number to your chart of accounts.

Ledger# to Credit for Income

Enter the ledger number to credit for this inventory or non-inventory category. This would generally be an income account. The default will be 411-(inventory category). The description of the ledger account will appear under the phrase 'Ledger# to Credit for Income'. If the ledger number is not found in the chart of accounts, 'Ledger Not Found' will appear.

Hint: Press F6 in order to select the ledger number from your chart of accounts or to add the ledger number to your chart of accounts.

Ledger# to Debit for Cost of Goods

Enter the ledger number to debit for this inventory category. This would generally be an income account. The default will be 412-(inventory category). The description of the ledger account will appear under the phrase 'Ledger# to Debit for Cost of Goods'. If the ledger number is not found in the chart of accounts, 'Ledger Not Found' will appear.

Hint: Press F6 in order to select the ledger number from your chart of accounts or to add the ledger number to your chart of accounts.

Allow Discounts

Click the Allow Discounts box if the category is discountable. If a sales person attempts to discount a non-discountable category, a warning will appear and the discount cannot be given.

Price Includes Tax

Check the Price Includes Tax box if the price entered in POS for sales of this category includes tax, and the tax should therefore be broken out of the price.

Receipt Description

By default, the description that will print on receipts when inventory is sold is the description of the inventory item if found in AIMsi, or the description of the category for those items sold that are not found in AIMsi.  If you would like a more detailed description to print on receipts for certain categories, you may specify the fields to include in the Receipt Description box.  If the category is for a serialized or accessory inventory item, you may include the following fields:  Manufacturer, Model, Description, Color, Size, Category Description and Sub Category Description.  If the category is for a music inventory item, you may include the following fields:  Publisher, Title, Composer, Arranger, Artist, Voicing, Level, Category Description and Sub Category Description. 

Example:  For a certain category you would like for Manufacturer, Model, Description, Color and Size to print on the receipt when a sale is made of an item with this category.  You would type 1|2|3|4|5 in the Receipt Description box for this category. 

Hint: The pipe character | that is used to separate the numbers is on the same key with the backslash \.

Min Age

If the product in this category requires a minimum age for purchase, enter the age in this box.  Entering a value in this box will trigger an age verification check when an item in this category is sold.